Skills for Sport

'Skills for Sport' is a training opportunity for volunteers which is about focusing on physical skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. These are transferable skills that are needed for everyday life.

By providing children with lots of opportunities from a young age to practice skills, they will become more confident and motivated to take part in physical activity or sport.

When a child is learning physical skills, they first learn simple skills such as running, balancing, kicking and throwing. These skills are then linked together to create a movement and perform activities such as playing football, netball, riding a bike and swimming.

What is it?

With Sport Wales’s vision to get ‘every child hooked on sport for life’, and our vision to get ‘more people more active more often’, Skills for Sport are built on these ideas and aims to improve children’s physical literacy & enhance their skill level

  • Training Workshop (online or face to face)
  • Resources
  • Support & mentoring
  • Continuous support and advice

Why is it important?

  • A chance for children to become confident and motivated from a young age to take part in physical activity  
  • Opportunity for children to learn and develop the basic skills that are needed for them to play sport  
  • It can also develop social skills, problem solving, language, literacy & numeracy and teamwork to name a few

Who is this for?

‘Skills for Sport’ is being introduced within the community.  It is aimed at community/sports groups/clubs that deliver physical activity to young children, aimed at new/current leaders and coaches and we would like your club/organisation to be part of it!

How it will work for your club?

Incorporating ‘Skills for Sport’ into part of your club’s existing sessions such as part of the warm up and skill-based element or in addition looking at introducing a younger age group to your club. We will work with your club to see how the Skills for Sport programme can be implemented into your club to cater for your needs.

Where & when?

Amman Valley Leisure Centre

Amman Valley Leisure Centre

Monday 4th April 2022,


Canolfan Carwyn, Drefach

Canolfan Carwyn, Drefach

Tuesday 22nd February 2022,


Tregib Sport Facilities

Tregib Sport Facilities

Monday 11th April 2022,


Carmarthen Leisure Centre

Carmarthen Leisure Centre

Monday 20th June 2022,


Llanelli Leisure Centre

Llanelli Leisure Centre

Monday 8th August 2022,



How Much?

Free for all registered club volunteers / coaches.

How can I book?

Register your club’s interest by completing the below form.

Registration link



More Information?

To discuss further with an officer please contact