Disabled individuals who use Actif facilities

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Lola Johanna Ferenczi, Matyas Ferenczi & Annabel Ferenczi

Find out more about Lola, Matyas & Annabel

Activity: Learn to Swim Programme (Llanelli Leisure Centre)

Where do they have Learn to Swim classes?

Llanelli Leisure Centre

How long have the children been on the Learn to Swim Programme?

Since March 2020

Do they use the Leisure Centre for other activities?

Yes, Matty used to go the balance bike class, Lola enjoyed the dance classes

What are the benefits of being on the Learn to Swim Programme?

Gain confidence in the water. It is really important for them as they can be afraid of the water more than the other children with normal hearing.

Any other things you would like to say about the children’s experiences in the Learn to Swim Programme? Are they in mainstream lessons? How helpful are the staff?

The staff is most helpful however it is really hard for the kids to understand what they asked from them. My kids copy and watch the other children next to them.

They cannot wear hearing aids in the water as it is not waterproof, and the staff are far from them (outside from pool). 

Example: My eldest, Lola could not achieve the next level in 6 months however she is trying her best. The progress is slower, but they all enjoy the sessions and that is what counts.